The Fashion Bug’s Outfits: Sadly not applicable for this post 🙁 But I hope you like these photos!
The Fashion Bug’s Story: Good morning my dearest Fashion Buglets! I realised today that over the past year I have been so busy planning our wedding, that I have forgotten to share any real details about our wedding on the blog. Oops! Considering this is currently the most important event in my life, I thought it deserved some serious blogging time. So over the next months in the lead up to the big day, I will be blogging about many wedding-related topics (and before you panic, I will still be doing my usual outfit/girl-about-London posts too!!) I think until you plan your own wedding, you really cannot understand how much time & effort goes into it. I certainly didn’t. I was so naive about it and thought you can throw a wedding together easily in a few months….SO I APPLAUD any woman who actually manages to do this. We took the “relaxed” approach and have had 1.5 years to plan it but that doesn’t mean that I don’t constantly feel like I have way too little time to get way too many things done.
This first wedding related post is dedicated to one of the most important things for the Big Day – THE INVITE. I think I can safely say that everyone judges THE INVITE as soon as they receive it in the post, and the style of the invite sets the tone for the rest of the wedding. No pressure then.
When I was looking for companies to design ours, I was torn between going for something very traditional (but to be honest I thought most were beyond yaaaawn-ing) and something a bit more quirky (warning: you shouldn’t try too hard with some totally wacky design.) One thing I did know was that I wanted it to be bespoke – for me, the more personal you can make an event as important as your wedding, the better.
And then somehow I stumbled upon this company Cutture. As soon as we entered their offices for a consultation, I was hooked (especially when I saw their Russian Doll invitation – you have to take a peek on their website.) I don’t think their website fully does them justice. Samples of many of the amazing bespoke invitations they have done were displayed around their offices and you could really see the amount of effort that had gone into each and every one from both the couple and the company. And each one was different to the next. We sat down with them and told them “our story” and over the next month or so we worked together to create a very personal wedding invitation; from the design to our logo to the colour scheme to an envelope seal, everything was done specifically for us. They were also happy to tweak any little detail as many times as we wanted. As we are having 3 days of events for our wedding, we needed to be able to provide our guests with all the information without the invitation looking too cluttered. So they came up with the idea of having 3 pull of cards slotted into the back of the invitation – 1 for the RSVP details, 1 for the event details and 1 for any other miscellaneous information. I am not a professional photographer, but I think you can see from these snaps that this really was a job well done.
The Fashion Bug’s Tips: Everyone has their own personal taste. But make your wedding invitation (or any for that matter) personal to you. People will remember this.
If you like the look of ours, then contact Cutture on +44 (0) 207 751 8395