Hi my loves. What a week! I never really post about terror attacks but I am still in shock over what happened in Manchester. I think it hit me harder than any of the other recent attacks because there were so many children involved. I read the news at one point in the day and saw that the second victim to be named was an 8 year old girl. 8 years old! I mean she had yet to experience life. To have her first kiss. To get dressed up for school balls. To sit exams. To go to parties. To go on her first holiday with friends. To go to university or have her first job. To fall head over heels in love with someone. To spend a night away from home. To get married. To have children of her own. To travel the world. To experience life. She was literally robbed of all of the simple things that everyone should be allowed to experience. I sat there quietly sobbing. Sobbing for the fact that I have a child who I love more than anything in this world but that ultimately I cannot protect her. Because no one can. Unless you sit in your house for the rest of your life but then you aren’t really living are you. You have to let your children experience things and run free but that also means you have to hope and trust that they will be ok. I simply cannot imagine what this little girls parents are going through and how they will ever get over the pain.
When something as awful as what happened the other day happens I think it often makes us appreciate even more what we have. We focus on whats really important to us. On the little things. And we hug our loved ones a little tighter. The other day on the Sheerluxe podcast we were talking about gratitude and I shared that for the past few years I have been doing something very simple but something that I genuinely believe makes me a happier person. Its definitely not for everyone but it works for me and it also reminds me of those little things on a daily basis. Every evening before I go to sleep I think of three things which I am grateful for that day. They can be very simple. Anything really. The walk I had in the park. The compliment a stranger paid me. The tasty meal my husband cooked for me. My family. The opportunity I got through my blog. The conversation I had with a friend. The smile from a stranger. We spend so much time focusing on what we don’t have and wanting more (and lets be clear that is part of human nature!) that I think its important to remind ourselves to focus on the good and what we do have.
Right. Finally moving onto todays actual topic. Aussie designers. Which I have been completely obsessing over recently. Thank you all for your helpful suggestions over Instagram – there are SO many amazing ones I cannot include them all here as would take me forever but be sure to check out the following too: Steele, Toni Maticevski, Misha Collection, Shona Joy, Spell Byron Bay, Posse, Scanlan & Theodore, Bassike, Sir The Label, Camilla & Marc, Michael Sordo, Dion Lee, I Love Mr Mittens, and We Are Kindred. Also for those of you who are London based check out these stores that sell Aussie designers: Atty London, The Dayrooms, Icon Au and Spotted on Celeb. In the meantime, here are my absolute favourite Australian designers and some top picks from each:
Alice McCall
Bec & Bridge
And finally, I had so much fun with the Sheerluxe girls doing the podcast on Tuesday. I am so not used to talking on a podcast but I loved it so much it makes me want to do podcasts all the time now. What I really loved about it was the fact that we covered such a variety of topics and I learned about lots of things that I never have time to actually read about! Holly Scarsella of Pampelone did the one the week before me and she was amazing too! If you want to check them out, you can listen to them here. xx